Month: April 2020

COVID-19, from Hong Kong.

I am a high school student studying in Hong Kong. Today is my last day of Easter break, and online class resumes tomorrow (April 20th) – but despite being grateful that our school is able to provide an abundance of resources to assist our learning, I am dreading it. I still remember the day where […]


Beyond the Storm

Clouds,  Engulfing the sky  Heavy grey paint spread across up above.  Rain,  Endlessly showering They are melancholic tears from heaven.  Trudging along the dilapidated walkways,  Thunder grudging in the distance,  Like monsters awaiting for their prey.  A flash of plasma etch across the atmosphere,  Followed by a deafening crack,  The suffocating smell of incineration fill […]


The Smallest Teacher

4 months have passed, and it’s still not over. Over the past 4 months, innocent people died, schools suspended, numerous public facilities closed, economy stopped, people forced to stay at their homes…… all because of a living organism that we could not even see — COVID-19.  Actually, who would have thought that a virus could […]
