Month: June 2020

春江花月夜 English Translation: A Spring Evening, Accompanied by the River, the Flowers, the Moon (Miranda Jiang)

Original Text: 春江潮水連海平,海上明月共潮生。灩灩隨波千萬裏,何處春江無月明!江流宛轉繞芳甸,月照花林皆似霰;空裏流霜不覺飛,汀上白沙看不見。江天一色無纖塵,皎皎空中孤月輪。江畔何人初見月?江月何年初照人?人生代代無窮已,江月年年望相似。不知江月待何人,但見長江送流水。白雲一片去悠悠,青楓浦上不勝愁。誰家今夜扁舟子?何處相思明月樓?可憐樓上月徘徊,應照離人妝鏡臺。玉戶簾中卷不去,搗衣砧上拂還來。此時相望不相聞,願逐月華流照君。鴻雁長飛光不度,魚龍潛躍水成文。昨夜閒潭夢落花,可憐春半不還家。江水流春去欲盡,江潭落月復西斜。斜月沉沉藏海霧,碣石瀟湘無限路。不知乘月幾人歸,落月搖情滿江樹。 Translation: The spring river rises and falls, blending in with the ocean A bright moon peaks out, surging with the waves Waves shimmer under the moonlight, stretching into the distance The moon and the spring river accompany each other The river wraps around the vegetation filled plains, flowing Flowering bushes refract the […]


Confusion, but words (Orilea Wang)

For the past few months, the world had been at a standstill. The virus had taken a world tour and what had once been the butt of all jokes was now a pretty serious subject. Most people hid away into their homes, hiding behind doors and screens, fitting their world into a box.  Tuition fees […]


Reminisce (Max Ta)

I remember whenever we were outside, Ho Chi Minh City had this particular atmosphere which I can’t really describe. I was too young to really understand how much this place meant to my father, my family and me. It was familiar, people’s faces not too different from mine, an intertwined mix of city life and […]


《将进酒》, 李白 and its English Translation (Abby Lu)

This is the original English translation of the renowned Chinese poem 《将进酒》(literally meaning I Will Drink) by Abby Lu. Original Chinese: 《将进酒》, 李白 君不見黃河之水天上來,奔流到海不復回。君不見高堂明鏡悲白髮,朝如青絲暮成雪。人生得意須盡歡,莫使金樽空對月。天生我材必有用,千金散盡還復來。烹羊宰牛且爲樂,會須一飲三百杯。岑夫子,丹丘生。將進酒,杯莫停。與君歌一曲,請君爲我側耳聽。鐘鼓饌玉不足貴,但願長醉不願醒。古來聖賢皆寂寞,惟有飲者留其名。陳王昔時宴平樂,斗酒十千恣讙謔。主人何為言少錢?徑須沽取對君酌。五花馬,千金裘。呼兒將出換美酒,與爾同銷萬古愁。 English Translation (Including Title):“Future Indulgence,” Li Bai Look, the Yellow River’s waves roll from the sky, running to the ocean, never to return. Look, the melancholy of white hair in front […]
